How Soon Will I Get My Package ?

Shipping times vary by country, but it normally takes about 8 to 18 business days for your item to arrive. Please ckeck our Shipping Policy policy for more information.

How Can I Track My Order ?

A shipping confirmation is emailed to you as soon as your order has been shipped, which will allow you to track the status of your shipment. You can track your package in real time using your tracking number from our "Track Your Order” section.

Why Didn’t Receive An Order Confirmation/Shipping Confirmation Email ?

After you place your order, we always send an order confirmation email to the email you provided us. After we ship your order, we also send shipping confirmation email to the email you provided us. Please be sure to check your spam/junk folder for the emails.

What’s your return process if i’m not happy with the product ?

Yes within 30 days after receiving your package. Here are your packing instructions:

  1. Securely pack the items in a box.
  2. Affix the mailing label squarely onto the address side of the parcel, covering up any previous delivery address and barcode without overlapping any adjacent side.
  3. Use the address listed and affix the appropriate amount of postage.
  4. Ship package from your nearest post office or shipping company of your choice.

How Secure Is My Personal Information ?

Vodaxe adheres to the highest industry standards to protect your personal information.

Your credit card information and personal details are encrypted during transmission using the 128-bit SSL (Secure Sockets Layer technology), the same level of encryption used by large banks around the world.

Your credit card information is only used to complete the requested transaction and is NOT subsequently stored.

How Can I Contact Vodaxe ?

You can contact our customer support via email: contact@vodaxe.com. We do our best to respond within 1-2 business days.